Paid To Click Online Review

Valuable information on PTC websites for your own benefit.


Written by PaidToClickReview on 1:31 AM

What is Bux3?

Bux3 is similar to but with a smaller user base and more Ads to click then as a "Free member" but Bux3 has the same rate as They also use Alertpay as their main method of transferring money to you and if you don't know about Alertpay yet, you can check out one of my recent posts about Alertpay.

- You get $0.01 per ad click and you also get $0.01 everytime your referrals click on an ad.
- Minimum payout is $10.00
- Each ad must be viewed for 30 seconds.

Like in, you can also buy unreferred members in bux3,

-Purchase 5 members for only $6.95
-Purchase 35 members for only $34.65
-Purchase 100 members for only $89.95
-Limited! 500 members for only $429.00

Example of someone getting payed.

I recently signed up for Bux3, most of the users on Bux3 and other websites prove that Bux3 does pay its users but I haven't seen that myself just yet. What's good about Bux3 and is that they both have a forum, where you can discuss your success or just rant about the whole deal. Bux3 seems to have a happy user database so far from what I can see, scam-free, spam-free and I am looking forward to seeing bux3 grow. Like, Bux3 does not tolerate autoclickers or fraud accounts... so don't try anything stupid. Cheers

Click here to sign up for Bux3 and Goodluck to you.

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